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Interview Dave GREENFIELD Sint Niklass (Belgium)
November 24th 2007
Cultuurcentrum of SINT NIKLAAS
On November 4th 2007 you played a gig at the Roundhouse in London to celebrate the 30th anniversary to the day of your first appearance at this venue. The set was the same as in 1977. Could you give me your impressions, was is like a feeling of déjà-vu ?
In a way, but the Roundhouse was totally different, it has been completely rebuilt, but the energy was exactly, yeah, the same as in the old days, all high energy fast numbers.... So yes it was enjoyable...definitely.
Did this gig remind you a souvenir or an anecdote ?
Dave : a souvenir of what ?
AM : because you played in 1977 here...
Dave : Not really a souvenir, I wouldn't say...
AM : an anecdote maybe...
Possibly, but back then I think we played for five days, this was just one, with a couple of warm ups, it was sold out, it was good fun, it went down well except for the equipment problems... my keyboards broke down a couple of times, very annoying, but not my fault.
AM : yes we were at the Roundhouse...
Dave : well you know what happened then...
AM : Yes but we were very happy to see you...
Dave : Start again, most people were, that's a good move actually all-round to start again, you know.
Do you think you are a rock survivor ?
Well we've been together longer than 30 years, so yes, must be, longer than most bands anyway, not all, but most. It's 75 I joined the band so 74 they formed. I joined in 75, so yes 32 years, 32 and a half years now, that's pretty much a lot of time !
AM : Are you still happy with the band ?
Still happy with the playing, I don't enjoy the travelling, the waiting is always the longest, the waiting is the boring bit. In the old days we used to get together somewhere new and it was fun, now we've been to most of the places, so...if you go to somewhere new that is always interesting, but if you go to the same places time and time and time again, no, not so much.
What do you think of the routine of doing always the same thing ?
It does vary, like tonight and last month, or whenever it was, when we were in Holland, this acoustic thing is totally different really, it's completely different and it's novel to us also enjoyable because it's not the same thing time and time and time and time again, and we always vary it a bit on a normal set just to break it up, but on festivals no, they expect the best of - always they want the hits - basically that's all that is.
No I feel a bit better today now, I've been ill for most of this tour, but feeling a bit better now today. It's been horrible the last few days, so I wasn't in great fettle, I should enjoy it tonight.
AM : yes, because we are here tonight !...
Dave is laughing...